"Dollhouse for Barbara" architectural sculptures
Architectural sculptures made for Dennis Maher for his "A Second Home" installation at the Mattress Factory in Pittsburgh, PA.
The sculptures were designed by borrowing different forms and assemblies found throughout the "A Second Home" installation as well as found objects such as dollhouse toys and stair spindles.
A chimney combining different assemblies and found objects at different scales. Elements such as the central pipework and the chimney pots were cut from old stair spindles, and dollhouse toys such as a cabinet and stool are repurposed at a different scale to become part of the architecture.
Wooden reinforcing dowels are run through the model, stabilizing the model from lateral forces in places with delicate assemblies such as the dollhouse cabinet. The chimney sits on top of a base of simulated rusticated masonry made from hardwood scraps and a pine pedestal with a tile pattern milled using a vertical mill.
Found objects, cherry, pine, purple heartwood
Below: Details of found objects incorporated into the architecture of the design
A wall whose layers are peeling apart
Pine, Plywood, Basswood, Cherry, Oak
Stairs whose steps are kitbashed from different found objects including dollhouse toys and spindles
Cherry, Walnut, Pine, Basswood, Found Objects
Made in collaboration with Shreeja Harisrikranth
Below: Detail Views
Final Installation
Completed objects together and inside the installation